North Bluff Park Home Owners Association comprises of 217 single family homes. The home styles range from one and two level townhome floor plans to larger two level homes with the Z-plan being the largest at around 2,650 sq ft. Initial construction was completed in 1970 – 72 as shown from the below photos taken during initial and late construction phases.
The HOA is bordered by Vista del Oro to the North and includes internal private, non-gated community streets of Vista Suerte, Vista Roma and Vista Trucha.
Properties in the community are surrounded by HOA managed green space, public walkways and parklands with a children’s play area and 20 x 20 yard gated community pool, barbecue area and covered casita with male/female changing rooms/bathrooms.
The HOA is managed by an elected board of property owners who meet monthly throughout the year and oversee the annual budget, planning for maintenance and improvement projects and general HOA matters. In addition, there are Architectural, Landscaping and Social Committees also made up of homeowners who report to the board and independently manage their designated areas of responsibility for HOA property owners.